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Our training aircraft is a Piper Tomahawk (PA-38-112 to be precise).  The Tomahawk was designed and by the Piper aircraft company to be a training aircraft based upon input and recommendations from thousands of flight instructors.


The Tomahawk is a two-seat, low-wing airplane with a 112 horsepower Lycoming four-cylinder engine.  With a cruise speed of 90 knots it will fly for over four hours with full fuel.


The Tomahawk is fully certified to perform all private pilot and commercial pilot maneuvers including spin training.  The rental cost during flight training and solo practice is $130 /hour which includes fuel & insurance.


Because our training aircraft is a two-seater trainer, it has limited weight & balance allowances.  Student pilots, including clothing, must weigh no more than 220 lbs.

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Have your own airplane?  . . .  Belong to a flying club?

There is no rule that requires only pilots to own an airplane.  Many student pilots purchase an airplane, or join an affordable flying club before they earn their pilot certificate to help reduce the costs of training.  When you own the airplane, there are no rental fees during flight training (other than those charged by the flying club).


Salem Airport is also home to two flying clubs: Salem Pilots Association and Valley Flyers.  These clubs are usually easy and affordable to join and permit you to use their various aircraft for flight training.


Thinking of purchasing an airplane for flight training?  Before you do, let's have a conversation about different aircraft and what will best suit your needs for years to come.


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